Hummingbirds are very acrobatic. They can fly forward, sideways, upside-down and backwards. They can also hover in mid-air.
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Sunday, May 5, 2019 2:36 PM
Hummingbirds are very acrobatic. They can fly forward, sideways, upside-down and backwards. They can also hover in mid-air.
Sunday, May 5, 2019 2:34 PM
Hummers avoid feeders with old or spoiled nectar. Commercial nectars typically last longer than homemade nectar and should be changed about once a week. If you make your own nectar, be sure to change it every other day to keep the raw sugar from fermenting. Following this simple schedule will soon have your yard humming with the Jewels of Spring.
Sunday, May 5, 2019 2:33 PM
For wild birds, shelter and habitat are top priorities in spring. A few well-placed bird houses can significantly increase your yard's attractiveness.
Read MoreSunday, May 5, 2019 2:28 PM
Millions of birds are killed each year by flying into windows. You can help prevent these collisions with a simple window decal.
Sunday, May 5, 2019 2:27 PM
We believe it is important bird feeding practices. On the top of the list is keeping the bird feeders clean. By doing this on a regular basis, about once a month, it is an easy task. Hoppers, fly-through feeders, nyjer and tube feeders should not need cleaning more than that and our Birds Choice feeders are designed to be easy to clean. Hummingbird and oriole feeders should be cleaned each time they are refilled. Cleaning bird feeders and birdbaths is a crucial practice in preventing the spread of disease between birds. Keep your bird bath/feeder brush separate from any that you use for your own kitchen use.